Saturday, October 23, 2010

Observation #2 October 4, 2010 2:50pm-3:10pm

On October 4, 2010, the researcher’s second visit to a Social Studies Classroom was in the seventh grade also, during the planning period (2:50pm-3:10pm). The researcher caught the end of instruction within this classroom; the students were doing PowerPoint presentations of group projects.  The standard was SS7CG4: Governance in the Middle East. Students were assigned various countries of the Middle East and instructed to research the type of government followed in the country.  Examples of comparison/contrast with other countries around the world had to be included in the presentation. The group presentation I had an opportunity to observe was very informative and interesting.
 The use of technology was evident in this classroom. The student’s peers rated the presentations using the activexpressions response systems.  The teacher predetermined the critiques and gave each an assigned number for ranking. This information was included in the rubric for the presentation labeled “peer critiques”.  The teacher’s LOTI level could be assumed to be rather high from this observation. The technology level shown in this classroom supported the use of student-directed projects that provide opportunities for students to determine the "look and feel" of a final product based on specific content standards.

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